iSMA-B-AAC20 DALI manual
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Figure 7 – Sedona DALI Device
Device Component has the following data points:
Scene (0-15) - These registers are where the brightness values for the
individual scenes are stored,
Max Level - Maximum brightness value – this value cannot be exceeded when
fading up,
Min Level - Minimum brightness value – this value cannot be undershot when
fading down,
Power On Level - Brightness value to which the Dali ballast switches when the
power supply is switched on,
System Failure Level - Brightness value to which the Dali ballast switches
when a fault is detected in the Dali circuit,
Fade Time - Time in seconds for fading from the current brightness value to
the new brightness value,
Fade Rate - Fade steps per second that are performed in response to an
indirect fade command,