iSMA-B-MINI/MIX BACnet User Manual
DMP261en | 1st Issue rev. 8 | 05/2022
page 8 of 114
I/O watchdog reset after read/write registers through USB
Sensors added for the immediate detection of short circuit
and disconnection, regardless of filter settings on universal
Fixed bug with Stop bits, it was always 1.
16 May 2017
Hardware Version info added on the main tab on the web
page and in the Modbus register
new action in the Modbus register no 0 – enter the
RS485 biasing control added for
MINI IP modules
hardware version >= 2.0
new Device Object properties added: Version type, Baud
rate, User Baud rate, IP address, Subnet mask, Default
Gateway, HTTP port, and UDP port
www page: RS485 Biasing Resistors activating option
(appears only in MINI modules with hardware >= 2.0)
www page fixed: COV increment always in a format with one
decimal place
module names on the web page the corrected (added -H
for all modules with hand operation switches)
7 Dec 2017
Firmware Version 6.0 released with BACnet certification
fixed out of service flags in AO, BO and TO
fixed overridden flags in AO, BO and TO
fixed bug with number of counters for Binary input object
(now variable is 32 bit)
changed AO-1, BO-1, TO-1 HAND_STATUS Access to read-
changed resistance table for 2.2K3A1 sensor
5 Oct 2018
Corrections of typing errors in the text
Added imperial unit of measure
MINI and MIX modules earned UL recognized component
19 Feb 2020
New temperature sensors implemented in Celsius and
Fahrenheit degrees
Improved filtering on UI
Device Name (Object Name) in BACnet is saved in EEPROM
Fixed one record in sensor 30k6A1 table –resistance 60713
to 80713 (5°C)
“Send I Am” message is not sent if BACnet is turned off
13 Oct 2020
Improved functionality of the BBMD: new default IP
address, registering to the BBMD server is disabled if the
BBMD IP address is left default;
Introduced an option to disable web server access by
changing the HTTP port to 0;
Corrected summary table for all modules;
Updated information about biasing resistors in MIX
General improvements and bugfixes.