Series User’s Manual
iS5 Communications Inc.
Forwarding Delay Time
The number of seconds a port waits before changing from its Rapid
Spanning Tree Protocol learning/listening states to the forwarding
Path Cost
The cost of the path to the other bridge from this transmitting bridge
at the specified port. A number 1 through 200000000.
Port Priority
Which ports should be blocked by priority in LAN. A number 0 through
240. The value of priority must be the multiple of 16.
Some of the rapid state transactions that are possible within RSTP are
dependent upon whether the port concerned can only be connected
to exactly one other bridge (i.e. It is served by a point-to-point LAN
segment), or it can be connected to two or more bridges (i.e. It is
served by a shared medium LAN segment). OperP2P shows the P2P
status of the link to be manipulated administratively. True means P2P
enabling. False means P2P disabling.
When True, OperEdge is enabled, the port is configured as an edge
port and directly connected to an end station and cannot create a
bridging loop. False means OperEdge disabled.
STP Neighbor
The port includes the STP mathematic calculation. True is not including
STP mathematic calculation. False is including the STP mathematic
The State of each port is Disabled or Forwarding.
The Role of each port is Disabled or Designated.
Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP) is a standard protocol based on IEEE 802.1s. The function is
that several VLANs can be mapped to a reduced number of spanning tree instances because most
networks do not need more than a few logical topologies. It supports load balancing scheme and the
CPU is sparer than PVST (Cisco proprietary technology).