Author: RRi
Page - 27 -
Version 1.0
Date: 10-2019
IPQAM-801 DVB-C A/C Modulator IP to QAM User Manual
Usually the receiving TV set would not update its NIT (Network information Table)
Recommendation: You perform a manual tuning to the RF-channel Some TV sets will only be
store one NIT, and if you need the using of a NIT in your Coax-CATV network we recommend to
place these extra inserted QAM DVB-C Channel in a free 8MHz channel range as lowest as
possible by i.e. using a Band-Filter (to exclude these bandwidth and later add this 4x RF
channels and combine both networks after or in it.
The TV sets (or DVB-C STB’s) would read the NIT from the first RF QAM channel they will find
(i.e. @ around 306MHz which is a common Value in particular with a cable operator using
Internet with DOCSIS 3.1). Than they store it and they might not find all Channels! So we
recommend to have an eye on these details of the NIT very carefully.
So for the operating of this extra DVB-C Injector, we recommend to not use NIT at all.
If no combining will be done, you won’t need a NIT but need to perform the manual Tuning