1) Turn on the vacuum and solution switches. Slowly pull the tool towards you with the solution valve
trigger engaged. Then make a pass forward and backward with the vacuum only (no spray) over the
cleaned area to remove as much dirt and solution as possible. Do not overwet carpet! Make overlapping
passes to prevent streaking.
2) If the carpet is heavily soiled, squeeze solution valve on the forward pass as well as backwards, allowing
cleaning solution a few seconds longer to work prior to vacuuming. Another method is to raise the wand
8” above the carpet and pre-spray lightly prior to cleaning passes. On extremely soiled carpets, we
recommend using a pre-spray solution.
3) When you run out of solution, turn off the pump. Attach the drain elbow on the drain valve. Place a pail
under the downspout and pull up the drain valve T-handle. Dirty solution will pour out until the tank is
empty. Close the drain valve. Use a clean bucket when you refill the solution tank.
4) When the job is completed, turn the switch off and disconnect the vacuum and solution hoses from the
carpet and the machine. Drain the recovery tank through the drain valve as before.
Cleaning upholstery with success requires a good knowledge of the type of fabric you will work on. Look for
the cleaning instructions label sewn on the underside of the furniture for the recommended method of cleaning.
If it calls for dry cleaning, do not attempt to clean by wet extraction otherwise damage to the fabric could occur.
Extraction works perfectly on most synthetic fabrics including synthetic velvets.
Before proceeding, test the fabric for colourfastness. Apply a small amount of cleaning solution on the fabric in
an inconspicuous spot. Wait 2 to 3 minutes and rub the area with a white terry cloth towel. If no color comes off
the towel, the fabric should be safe to clean. If a little color comes off, there is some risk of colors running when
you clean. It may be possible to stabilize colors by cleaning with an acidic rinse.
1) Prepare the machine in the same manner as for carpet cleaning (see Preparing the Machine) except
attach the upholstery tool to the vacuum hose. Connect the solution hose. Pour hot water into the
solution tank. Add recommended amount of cleaning concentrate into the solution tank. Turn on the
vacuum and pump switches.
2) Adjust the pump “operating pressure” to 50 PSI or below for upholstery cleaning (See Preparing the
3) Clean with the upholstery tool using as little solution as possible. Make overlapping passes to prevent
streaking. Go over the area you just cleaned without depressing the lever (vacuum only) and gauge the
amount of moisture extracted through the view window for dryness. On heavily soiled areas like arm
rests, pre-treat with a recommended pre-spray solution or hold the upholstery tool a few inches above
the fabric and press lever to spray on the solution before making a pass.
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