Classification for each test so as to correctly interpret the findings and make the proper
adjustments in tuning the octave.
CL A S S A : Lower note is the reference note. If the beat rate between the test note and the
upper note is
too slow
as compared to the beat rate of the test note and the reference note,
the upper note
. If the beat rate with the upper note is
too fast, lower the upper note
CL A S S B : Upper note is the reference note. If the beat rate between the test note and the
lower note is
too slow
as compared to the beat rate of the test note and the reference note,
the lower note
. If the beat rate with the lower note is
too fast, lower the lower note
CL A S S C : Lower note is the reference note. If the beat rate between the test note and the
upper note is
too slow
as compared to the beat rate of the test note and the reference note,
the upper note
. If the beat rate with the upper note is
too fast, raise the upper note
CL A S S D : Upper note is the reference note. If the beat rate between the test note and the
lower note is
too slow
as compared to the beat rate of the test note and the reference note,
the lower note
. If the beat rate with the lower note is
too fast, raise the lower note
The object in each case is to obtain an equal beat rate between the upper and lower notes of the
octave, and the test note. Each test is given a name corresponding to the intervals employed in
the test. In naming the intervals, "P" denotes a so-called "Perfect" interval, "M" denotes a "Major"
interval, "m" denotes a minor interval, "A" denotes an "Augmented" interval, and "d" denotes a
"diminished" interval. It must be noted that some of these intervals are very hard to hear in the
bass region of the piano. These checks, however, are still valid. To make use of these checks,
hold down one of the octave notes and the test note without playing them. (You may have to use
the sostenuto pedal in some cases). Play the strike note with a staccato blow. Repeat this
procedure with the other octave note and the test note. When the two beat rates are the same,
the type of octave, which has been tested for, will have been tuned. The strike note in all cases
is the note listed in the electronic setting instructions for that particular type of octave.
O c tave Type
Au ra l Te sts
C la s s if i cat i o n s
E le ct r o n i c
Sett i n g
I n st r u c t i o n s
A rea Ge ne ra l ly
U se d
M10 - M17
P5 - P12
o n t he u p pe r
n ote
T re b le
M3 – M10
P4 – P5
A , B
C , D
o ctave ab ove
the u p pe r n ote
Mi d ra n ge
m3 – M6
P12 – P5
twelfth a b ove
the u p pe r n ote
Mi d ra n ge ,
Ba s s
m6 – M3
P11 – P4
tw o o ctaves
above t he u p pe r
n ote
Low Ba s s
Medi um
P ia n o s
1 0: 5
M6 – m3
A4 – d5
above t he u p pe r
n ote
Low er bas s
Lar ge p ia n o s
1 2: 6
m10 – m3
P19 – P12
n i neteenth
above t he u p pe r
n ote
Low er bas s
Lar ge p ia n o s
M3 – M17
P4 – P12
o n t he u p pe r
n ote
Mi d ra n ge ,
T re b le
m6 – M10
P11 – P5
o ctave ab ove
the u p pe r n ote
Ba s s
N O T E R A N G E :
9 Octaves. C1 through B 9 (A4 = 440.00 Hz).
C E N T S R A N G E :