Measure the stretch numbers of the piano.
Store the FAC tuning to a page in memory, go straight to A4 and tune all three strings.
Switch to the TUNE mode by pressing the TUNE button.
Press OCTAVE down twice, set the cents deviation to zero, and the display should read A4 0.0
Play A4 on the piano.
If the note is right on pitch, simply switch back to the page in memory where the tuning is
located. (Press MEM button). Tune the piano.
If the note is unacceptable, measure the pitch error with respect to A-440, and follow the
instructions below.
For example: Let's assume it is 0.2 cents sharp. Store an offset that will counteract the error,
namely 0.2 cents flat. Do this by putting -0.2 in the cents display, then hold down the SHIFT
button and press the RST button. Now store the tuning again (roll over from the STRETCH to
MEM), and tune the piano knowing that A4 will end up exactly on A-440 Hz.
D i s p layi n g t he Ce nt s O ff set
The offset cents number used during a pitch raise can be displayed at any time.
Set the cents display to zero. Hold down the SHIFT button, and press RST. As long as the SHIFT
button is depressed, the display will show the cents offset currently in use. Since the Accu-Tuner
has the ability to add or subtract cents from the stored offset, the cents display must be returned
to zero before viewing the cents offset.
On the other hand, to change the offset, just enter the desired change to the offset in the cents
display, hold SHIFT and press RST, and the new offset will be displayed in the cents location.
To set the cents offset back to zero, either recalibrate the instrument by holding the SHIFT and
pressing the CAL button, or enter an opposite offset and store that in order to cancel the original
Measu r i n g t he W i d t h o f M u s i ca l I n te rvals
The fourth major use for the RST button is to measure the width in cents of musical intervals. To
measure the width of an interval such as a third or fourth, take the following four steps.
Go to the note and octave of the coincident overtones of the two notes (i.e., A5 for the F3-A3
major third).
Stop the LEDs using the MSR and/or CENTS buttons on the lower of the two notes (F3).
Reset the CENTS display to zero with the SHIFT & RST button.
Stop the LEDs again on the higher of the two notes (A3).
The width of the unknown interval now appears in the CENTS display. No addition or subtraction
is necessary to make this measurement with the Accu-Tuner.
It is often convenient to be able to reset the cents reading to zero without having to go to the
trouble of using the cents buttons to get down to zero. This can be done with the CAL button.
Hold the SHIFT button down, and press the CAL button quickly. The CENTS display will revert to
zero cents, but the NOTE display will remain as it was. The Accu-Tuner will not go over to the
CAL function if the CAL button is pressed quickly. To complete the CAL operation, hold the CAL
button down instead of just giving it a quick push.