Getting Started
Presentation Files
The presentation file is made up of your annotated pages. The Page
Creation and Capture tools are used to create the pages in the presenta-
tion file and the Annotation Tools are used to create the annotations. The
presentation file is automatically saved as a .
As soon as Interwrite Workspace goes into Annotation Mode, an untitled
presentation file is created. Unless you give the file a name, it is automati-
cally saved using today’s date as the filename. (Multiple files created today
01, 02, 03, etc.,
appended to the date name.)
An existing presentation file can be opened, its pages can be sorted,
annotations can be added to the existing pages, and new pages can be
added to the file. Your presentation will determine how each presentation
file evolves.
For example, you can prepare a presentation file of blank maps ahead of
time for a geography lesson. Or, you can capture and annotate each of
the monthly earnings spreadsheets as you review the past fiscal year
during a budget meeting. Or, you can run a PowerPoint Slide Show in
Office Mode
(Windows only) and annotations can be added to each slide
and saved in the native file.
Building the Presentation File
You can build your presentation file during your presentation, or you can
pre-build it, including the screen captures, images, graphs and text pages
you want to present. However you choose to do it, the process is the
To capture a screen or window, click on the
Mouse Mode
tool with your
Interactive Pen and arrange the desktop for capture. Select an Annotation
Tool, the
, for example, indicate your capture preference (by clicking
on either the
, or
option in the dialog), and anno-
tate the captured image.
Use the
Page Creation Tools
to add a blank, gridded, or background
image page. By default, Interwrite Workspace is in Autosave mode, so
your annotated pages are automatically saved as you build your presenta-
tion file.
Click the
tool to save the file using the default filename (current
date), or a name you type on the pop-up Onscreen Keyboard.