Select/Connect Detectors
Determine the type and amount of detectors to be used (up to 8 detectors
can be connected to the A803-8 and up to 4 can be connected to the A803-4
Multiplexer at a time). Connect the applicable detectors to the channel connectors
on the back of the A803. Detector arrangement will be determined by the user.
Select Channels to Measure
Using the channel selection tool (see Section 4.1.1), select the channels to measure. The user can select up to 8 channels
simultaneously to scan (4 if using A803-4).
Data Acquisition Settings
Press the Data Acquisition Settings button on the user interface (see Section 4.1.1) to open the Data Acquisition Settings box. Set/Store Sensitivity Factors (CalFactors)
In the right side section of the Data Acquisition Settings box, enter detector serial numbers & sensitivity factors from each
detectors' calibration certificate in the appropriate box starting with channel 1 at the top for all detectors being used.
A803 Multiplexer Instruction Manual Rev -
Page 8
Detector connectors (Ch1-8)
Channels 5-8 are
not visible if
using A803-4