InTouch™ User Guide
Copyright © 2006 Intermatic, Inc.
Deleting a scene. See page
. Remember, it’s
always a good idea to remove unused events,
scenes, and devices to maximize the system’s
— which trigger scenes can also be fine-tuned
in many ways. We have already covered Timer Events.
Here you’ll find step-by-step instructions for:
Changing the duration — the length of time an event
lasts. See page
Renaming an event, helpful when viewing events
on the In-Wall Master Controller’s display, where
you might want to change the name of an event to
something more specific, like “Outside On.” See
Deleting an event from the system when you no
longer need it. It’s always a good idea to remove
unused events, scenes, and devices to maximize the
system’s responsiveness. See page
What To Do First
Make a list of the basic and advanced functions you
want to accomplish. Go after the basics first, then tackle
the more advanced optional programming. The page
numbers on the preceding pages will guide you to the
step-by-step instructions that will help you get the job
done with minimal difficulty.