ATS125x/1260 Four-Door/Four-Lift DGP Programming Guide
• No: The spare zone remains available as spare.
Forced output number
XX,Forced Output Disabled
*-Dis O/p:
The ATS125x output number to be activated when a zone is in a
“Forced Door”
– for example, the door has been opened without a valid command.
Shunt zone numbers
Shunt zone:
The zone number(s) on ATS125x that require to be shunted when the door is
accessed (typically the same number as the zone number)
Warning output number
XX, Warning Output Disabled
*-Dis, O/p:
This menu specifies the ATS125x output number to be activated during the
“Warning time” when the shunt timer is about to expire.
For example, it may be used to activate a buzzer above a door to indicate the
door needs to be closed.
DOTL zone number
XX,DOTL Zone nnn
*-Dis, Zone:
This menu specifies the zone number on ATS125x that reports the DOTL (door
open to long) alarm condition for the door being programmed (if DOTL is enabled
in Shunt options).
DOTL output number
XX,DOTL Ouptut Disabled
*-Dis, 0/p:
This menu specifies the ATS125x output number to be activated when a zone is
in a DOTL condition. For example, the door left open after the shunt timer has