Interface Inc. ● 7401 East Butherus Drive, Scottsdale, Arizona 85260 USA ● Phone 480.948.5555
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Cable Clearance
These are typical clearances but smaller mouldings or using a tighter cable radius can reduce this.
Cable Retention
The 9-pin ‘D’ socket can accept a mating plug that has screw retention functionality.
The micro USB socket does not have any form of cable retention and this must be taken into account if mounting
the DIG-USB-F to ensure that the cable cannot disengage accidentally or through vibration.
Environmental Approvals
CE Approvals
European EMC Directive
BS EN 61326-1:2006
BS EN 61326-2-3:2006
Output shall not exceed the sum of uncertainties when subjected to an electric field of 10V/m over the frequency
range 80 to 600MHz