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Operation Installation and Maintenance Manual
1.1.2 a) b) c) d)
See operating manuals and related documentation. The protective measures for personnel are the same as the
ones where the product will be installed
1.1.2 e)
No specific tools are needed
The materials in contact with the media are identified in the product datasheet, the order confirmation and in the
valve label. The user must make a risk analysis.
Relevant instructions and information are given in the operating manuals and related documentation
Responsibility of the user following the instructions of the actuator.
See operating manual and handling instructions.
For the parts under pressure, through the declaration of conformity according 2014/68/EC. For the functional parts,
ensured through the intended use.
Fulfilled through design and assembling process
1.3.7, 1.3.8, 1.3.9
and 1.4
Ensured through the intended use. Maintenance and servicing operations are never allowed with the valve under
pressure and/or connected to the control system.
1.5.1, 1.5.2, 1.5.3
and 1.5.4
Responsibility of the user. See operating manuals and related documentation of the actuators.
Responsibility of the user when the products are installed in its destination. See warnings and intended use of the
operating manual.
In potentially explosive areas, the user is obliged to identify dangerous ignition sources, perform a risk analysis of
the entire system and initiate the necessary preventive measures. If Ex-protection is required is must be stated in
the order. See also document "interapp-butterfly-valves-for-use-in-potentially-explosive-atmospheres-XXX.pdf",
which can be downloaded from www.interapp.net
It is the responsibility of the user to verify the hydrodynamic conditions of the media line and establish the noise limits
Valves are installed in piping systems, which can carry dangerous fluids. The user is responsible to ensure a
correct installation of the valves for which information is given in the operation and installation manual and ensure
the intended use.
1.6.1 and 1.6.5
See operating manual.
According to the manuals for the valves and the actuators.
Fulfilled through the manuals.
InterApp Valcom S.A.
declares that the following basic requirements according to
EN ISO 12100
, are applied and fulfilled
The risk analysis has been done considering the products a “partly completed machinery”.
The basis for the analysis of the butterfly valves is the product standard EN 593 (Industrial valves - Metallic butterfly
valves). For the actuators, please refer to their own documentation.
For the risk analysis, our long experience supplying the above-mentioned actuators, has been taken into
account, with the result of the different instructions and warnings contained in the Manuals.
It is mandatory that for fulfilling the requirements of the clauses 4 to 6 of the ISO 12100, the user must make a
risk analysis of the avalve installed and taking into account all details of the final application. This type of
analysis cannot be done by InterApp Valcom S.A.
Machine limits
The limits of the “partly completed machinery” have been defined according the “intended use”
Hazard Identification
The hazards mentioned in the standard ISO 12100, have been identified for the complete risk assessment. Hazard
related to dismantling, decommissioning and scrapping are not under the responsibility of InterApp Valcom S.A.
Risk estimation
A risk estimation has been carried out, with the “intended use” for the products as a prerequisite.
Risk evaluation
A risk evaluation has been carried out.
Risk reduction
By means of; Inherent safe design measures and Information for use contained in the manual
Documentation of
risk assessment
and risk reduction
InterApp Valcom S.A. has the documentation that demonstrates that the ISO 12100 procedure has been followed
and the consequent results.