9. Trouble Shooting
Possible cause
Check / Confirm
No output voltage/ current
No input voltage
Check se ngs
Input voltage is too low
Check input voltage /
configura on
Output voltage is too low
Ba eries load is larger than
ba ery charger can supply.
Reduce the ba eries load.
Wrong se ng
Check se ngs
Charger current is too low
Ba eries almost fully charged
Nothing, this is normal when
the ba ery is almost fully
High ambient temperature
1. The charge current is
automa cally reduced if
ambient temperature is
higher than 60degC.
2. Check se ngs
Ba eries not fully charged
Charge current is too high
Reduce the ba eries load.
Charge me is too short
Check the charger with higher
Ba ery temperature is too low
Check the ba ery temperature
Defec ve/old ba ery
Check ba ery and replace if
Wrong se ng
Check se ngs
Ba eries are too warm
Defec ve ba ery
(short circuit in cell)
Check ba ery and replace if
Ba ery temperature is too high
Check the ba ery temperature
Charge voltage is too high
Check se ngs