34 -
resonator :
63-tap comb resonator and delay
35 -
Woodwind :
Another type of comb resonator sound
36 -
Chorus res :
Chorus resonator
37 -
Wobblebug :
Wiggly wobbly comb resonator
38 -
karplusstr :
Karplus-Strong String (use 1v/oct, full wet, ping with TRIGGER)
39 -
40tap res :
Slow 40-tap resonator beat
40 -
bouncy res :
Bouncy comb resonator
41 -
Washboard :
Washboard comb
42 -
1-Tap :
Whalesong reverb
43 -
overdrive :
Overdriven delay and resonator
44 -
Dreamy res :
Ethereal, dreamy resonator
45 -
WahVerb :
Wah-wah reverb
46 -
Pass Cars :
Passing cars doppler shift
47 -
bubble Png :
Bubbling pingpong delay and resonator
48 -
Dual l/r :
Delay on the left, comb on the right
49 -
steel Drum :
A rattling steel drum delay
50 -
insects :
Insect swarm
51 -
roar surf :
Roar of the surf
52 -
newageDrone :
New age drone
53 -
resobeat :
Resonant beat loop
54 -
Phantom op :
Phantom of the opera
55 -
Psycho rpt :
Psycho repeats
56 -
Tinny beat :
Tinny beat
57 -
Funky Drum :
Funky Drummer
58 -
Psychedelc :
Psychedelic beat
59 -
Film noir :
Film noir soundtrack
60 -
Very slow :
Very slow swell
61 -
Vibration :
62 -
ParaleVerb :
Parallel reverb
63 -
longreverb :
Long resonating reverb
64 -
symphony :
Symphony warmup
65 -
Ping arp :
Trigger to ping a rising arpeggio. MODA shifts the frequencies.
66 -
modal ring :
Modal synthesis. Use with no input, TRIGGER causes pinging. Play with the
MOD A to change the pitch.
67 -
allTapz :
MODA selects different rhythm grooves
68 -
Delay*size :
Feedback time is set by COMB SIZE, use the encoder to change
69 -
Xmod echo :
Modulated delay. MODA controls mod level, MODB the mod rate.
70-81 -
( empty ) :
blank slots for you to fill with your masterpieces
82 -
alienizer :
Trigger randomizes tap mutes (i.e. randomly selects taps to hear)
83 -
berserker :
Trigger randomizes the delay parameters.
84 -
shortWave :
Trigger randomizes all comb and delay parameters.
85 -
PitchFrac :
Trigger randomizes the tap pitch shifts.
86 -
Transform :
Randomized tap pitch shifts.
87 -
randommute :
Trigger randomizes mutes. MODA changes grain size.
88 -
electrik :
Modulated comb.
89 -
mod maker :
MODB controls the comb modulation waveform
90 -
brokenPins :
Pinged pitch shifted delay and comb
91 -
glitchFeed :
Trigger randomizes comb parameters after a long delay
92 -
machineCut :
Trigger to ping delay/comb to give a breathy sound
93 -
Slow chaos, randomization of comb
94 -
Plextrig :
Trigger randomizes all the rhythm delay parameters
95 -
spectras :
Vibrating ping, with filter bank frequencies adjusted by MODB
96 -
spreader :
Spectral spreading delay
97 -
spirals :
Nightmarish spiraling pitch shifts
98 -
Tick Tock :
Noisy grains with downshifted feedback
99 -
Waves :
16 repeats, giving waves of sound
100 -
spineTaps :
Filtered echos, rising in frequency
Chasers :
MODB adjusts feedback pitch shift
102 -
VocosDecay :
Four downshifted piles of vocal repeats
103 -
gettinaway :
Upwardly mobile pitch shifts
104 -
imperial :
Five repeats with upward pitch shifted feedback
105 -
kingkarp :
Another pingable Karplus-Strong, with Sitar nonlinearity
106 -
CombCutter :
Pingable electronik resonator
107 -
Combripple :
Trigger a ping to generate Geiger counter ticks
108 -
DroneChord :
Haunting drone creator
109 -
Weaver :
Subtle pitch shifted repeats
110 -
CombDriper :
Juicy ticking comb
111 -
snarerolls :
Comb resonator for multiplying snare hits
112 -
randomFlux :
Random comb repeats
113 -
Complexor :
Two piles of long filtered pitch shifted echoes
114 -
modCluster :
Modulated comb
115 -
alienmurk :
Murky burbles, moving MODA makes bubbles.
116 -
Canyonland :
Land of the canyons
117 -
Tectonic :
Whistling plates sliding past, MODA makes ticklets
118 -
Combgeos :
Bright expressive reverb
119 -
1V/ripper :
Tunable resonator
120 -
steper Verb :
Pingable cymbalism
121 -
glitchComb :
Hairy repeats stuck in the comb
122 -
smearsmash :
Smeared shifted delay
123 -
CombDeform :
124 -
karp&scuff :
Many repeats into a high feedback comb - watch the levels!
125 -
Vertex :
Two filterbank piles, MODA shifts filter cutoff, MODB makes clicks
126 -
Fade2metal :
Tunable heavy metal digeridoo
127 -
invertComb :
Fuzzy ping
128 -
skip&Fold :
20th century symphonic dancing pitches