Trigger operation
Ping input
When a trigger is received a short burst of noise (“ping”) will be added
to the module’s input signal. This can be used to excite the resonator, for
example to “pluck” a Karplus-Strong string.
shaped Pulse
When a trigger is received a short smooth pulse will be added to the
module’s input signal. This can also be used to excite the resonator, but
produces a softer, less bright, sound than the noise ping.
Toggle PingPong
When a trigger is received, the PingPong state will toggle (if ON, it will
turn OFF, and if OFF, it will turn ON). See section 3 for a description of the
PingPong effect.
Gated freeze
When the trigger input is high (or the trigger button is pressed) the
rhythm delay will be frozen (see the “Freeze” trigger mode).
Gated Reverse
When the trigger input is high (or the trigger button is pressed) the
rhythm delay will play in reverse (see the “Reverse” trigger mode).
Preset Load
When a trigger is received the currently selected preset is loaded.
Clear buffer
When a trigger is received, the comb and delay memory will be cleared.
Pressing this button brings up a display of the stereo signal levels at eight different points
in the module, and also displays the overall gain applied to the outputs of the Rhythm Delay (DLY) and Comb
(CMB). Pressing the GAIN button will toggle between the DLY gain and the CMB gain. Turning
the rotary encoder will adjust the gain setting for the currently highlighted effect. Setting the gains is VERY
IMPORTANT to avoid distortion. As more taps are activated in the rhythm delay, the DLY gain willl need to be
reduced. For one or two active taps a gain of 8 to 10 is typically, but if all sixteen taps are active a lower gain
may be needed. If the per-tap filters are used, the DLY gain may have to be increased. Similarly, with the comb
resonator, the CMB gain should be set to avoid distortion. Normally it will be around 8 to 10, but higher or
lower levels may be appropriate depending on the level of the signal being fed in, or the amount of feedback
being used.
The points in the system whose levels are shown in the eight meters are:
The outputs of the Analog to Digital converters. This is the point where the analog input signals, INL
and INR, are converted to digital form, and it is crucial that these levels be kept away from the maximum
value, otherwise objectionable distortion may occur (unless you like that sort of thing). These levels can be
adjusted by using the attenuator controls located directly above the INL and INR jacks.
For typical Eurorack
signal levels, the attenuators will be set to the 12 o’clock position.
The attenuators can be turned further
clockwise if lower level input signals are used.
The inputs to the Digital to Analog converters. This is the point where the digital outputs from the
internal rhythm delay and comb resonator blocks are converted back to the analog domain. The analog
outputs of the Digital to Analog converters are mixed with the analog inputs and sent to the OUTL and
OUTR output jacks.
Trigger operation
When a trigger is received, the freeze state will toggle (if ON, it will turn
OFF, and if OFF, it will turn ON). At the moment the freeze state is turned
ON the read pointer for the rhythm delay will step back in time by an
amount equal to the current Feedback Tap delay time. Playback will then
read forward in time to the point at which the Freeze was turned on, and
then loop back again. This continually repeats until the Freeze is turned
off (by another Trigger event). Note that when Freeze is turned on the
feedback has no effect, since the delay is now insensitive to the input. It
is just playing back material that has already been recorded. However,
any active taps will continue to sound, so echoes can be produced on the
sound in the frozen buffer. The Feedback Tap delay time can be altered
while Freeze in turned on, and the looping period will change accordingly.
This can be used for interesting effects when the Feedback Tap is set to
COMB SIZE, since the 1V/OCT and COMB SIZE control voltages can then be
used to change the loop period.
When a trigger is received the state of the Reverse effect will be toggled
(if ON, it will turn OFF, and if OFF, it will turn ON). See section 3 of the
manual for a description of the Reverse effect.
When a trigger is received a Randomization event will occur. The parame
ters that are randomized by this event is determined by the ranomization
destination setting (see section 3 of the manual for details on this).
Delay Mute
When a trigger is received, the mute state of the rhythm delay will be
toggled (if ON, it will turn OFF, and if OFF, it will turn ON).
Comb Mute
When a trigger is received, the mute state of the comb will be toggled (if
ON, it will turn OFF, and if OFF, it will turn ON).
All Mute
When a trigger is received, the mute state of both the comb and delay will
be toggled (if ON, it will turn OFF, and if OFF, it will turn ON). However,
if the effect is already muted via pressing the front panel FX ON button,
then the trigger will have no effect.
Delay Bypass
When a trigger is received, the bypass state of the rhythm delay will be
toggled (if ON, it will turn OFF, and if OFF, it will turn ON).
Comb Bypass
When a trigger is received, the bypass state of the comb will be toggled (if
ON, it will turn OFF, and if OFF, it will turn ON).
All Bypass
When a trigger is received, the bypass state of both the comb and delay
will be toggled (if ON, it will turn OFF, and if OFF, it will turn ON). However,
if the effect is already bypassed via pressing the front panel FX ON button,
then the trigger will have no effect.