IM483H/IM805H Rev. R032206
IM483H/IM805H Rev. R032206
+ 5 V D C I n p u t
The IM483H/IM805H requires an external reg5VDC, ±5% power sup-
ply. The supply is connected between P2:6 (+5VDC Supply) and P2:4 (Power
Ground). A 68 microfarad 10V tantalum capacitor must be placed as close to
the IM483H/IM805H as possible between the +5VDC input pin (P2:6) and
ground. (See figure 7.1 on the previous page for PCB layout example.)
The +5VDC supply ground and the motor supply ground should not be
connected together at the power supplies. The common ground connection
between the motor power supply and the +5VDC supply should be made at the
ground pin of the additional electrolytic capacitor used for the motor supply. (
See figure 7.1 on the previous page for PCB layout example.)
I n t e r f a c i n g t h e C u r r e n t A d j u s t I n p u t
For any given motor, the output current used for microstepping is determined
differently from that of a half/full step driver.
In the IM483H/IM805H, a sine/cosine output function is used in rotating the
motor. Therefore, when microstepping, the specified phase current of the mo-
tor is considered an RMS value.
D e t e r m i n i n g t h e O u t p u t C u r r e n t
Stepper motors can be configured as 4, 6 or 8 leads. Each configuration
requires different currents. Shown below are the different lead configurations
and the procedures to determine the peak per phase output current setting that
would be used with different motor/lead configurations.
4 L e a d M o t o r s
Multiply the specified phase current by 1.4 to determine the peak output
6 L e a d M o t o r s
1) When configuring a 6 lead motor in a half coil configuration (i.e. connected
from one end of the coil to the center tap (high speed configuration)) multi-
EXAMPLE: A 4 lead motor has a specified phase current of
2.0A x 1.4 = 2.8 Amps Peak