INS-500 & INS-1000 • 5403645 • REV A • 6/17
Leak on Sprinkler System or Nitrogen Generator
Testing Nitrogen Flow Rate and Nitrogen Purity
1. View the Leak Rate (LR) by exiting to the main menu of the IntelliGen
Display. It will be displayed as LR: # PSI/24HR.
2. If the Leak Rate (LR) is greater than 6 PSI/24HR; there is an excessive leak.
3. Isolate the nitrogen generator from the sprinkler system using the N
Tank Outlet Valve (V03).
Allow the nitrogen generator to fill the nitrogen and air tanks.
5. Once the air compressor turns off allow the nitrogen generator to sit for 30 minutes.
6. If pressure drops in the air tank or nitrogen tank that indicates there is a leak on the nitrogen generator.
Soap all fittings and tighten fittings that are leaking. Avoid electronics.
8. If pressure does not drop, this indicates the leak is outside of the nitrogen generator. Check all piping downstream of the N
Tank Outlet Valve (V03). Fix leaks as needed.
9. Clear the trouble using the “CLEAR” button on the IntelliGen
Display and enter passcode "0000".
1. Isolate the nitrogen generator from the sprinkler system using the N
Tank Outlet Valve (V03) on the nitrogen tank. Allow the
nitrogen generator to fill the air tank and nitrogen tank.
2. When the nitrogen tank pressure reaches approximately 80 PSI the red instrument air solenoid lights located inside the
cabinet should turn off.
3. To ensure the nitrogen generator is operating correctly and that the correct nitrogen purity is being produced a functional test
must be performed.
4. On the inside of the nitrogen cabinet, locate the blue N
Bleed Valve (V04) near the Nitrogen Sample Port (SP).
5. Slightly open the blue N
Bleed Valve (V04) and begin draining the pressure out of the nitrogen tank.
6. Quickly close the blue N
Bleed Valve (V04) when you see the red instrument air solenoid lights turn on. This will happen at
approximately 60 PSI.
If the pressure in the nitrogen tank drops below 55 PSI the nitrogen generator will return to Bypass Mode. Wait for the
nitrogen generator to refill the tanks and the unit to return to Nitrogen Generating Mode before trying again.
7. Begin timing to see how long it takes to reach approximately 80 PSI in the nitrogen tank.
8. If the nitrogen generator is isolated from the sprinkler system:
a. The INS-500 should take no longer than 8 minutes to pressurize the nitrogen tank to 80 PSI.
b. The INS-1000 should take no longer than 4 minutes to pressurize the nitrogen tank to 80 PSI.
9. During this time, connect the Portable Nitrogen Analyzer to the Nitrogen Sample Port (SP) to measure the purity of the
exiting gas. The analyzer should read 98.0% or greater. This may take a few minutes.
10. When the nitrogen generator reaches approximately 80 psi in the nitrogen tank, the red instrument air solenoid lights will turn
off. The air compressor will continue to run until the air tank pressure reaches approximately 105 PSI.
11. Allow the nitrogen generator to sit for 30 minutes.
If pressure drops in either tank this indicates there is a leak in the nitrogen generator. Soap all pre-plumbed fittings and
tighten any fittings that are leaking. Avoid electronics.
13. If the pressure does not drop, this indicates the leak is outside of the nitrogen generator. Check sprinkler system for leaks.