Installation Manual
Maximum String length is 8 characters. Transmit a space for empty
Get Preset Name (ID 4)
This command is sent to the matrix to request a preset's name.
F1h 03h 03h 04h AAh
Where AAh is the preset number.
Preset Name Report (Class 3 ID 5)
Maximum String length is 8 characters.
Preset Name Report (ID 5)
This commmand is sent by the matrix to report the name of a
F1h 0Bh 03h 05h AAh BBh CCh DDh EEh FFh GGh HHh IIh
Where AAh is the preset number. Where BBh is the first character of the name.
BBh should be sent as the hex representation of the ascii character. Where CCh
is the second character of the name. CCh should be sent as the hex
representation of the ascii character. Where DDh is the third character of the
name. DDh should be sent as the hex representation of the ascii character.
Where EEh is the fourth character of the name. EEh should be sent as the hex
representation of the ascii character. Where FFh is the fifth character of the
name. FFh should be sent as the hex representation of the ascii character. Where
GGh is the sixth character of the name. GGh should be sent as the hex
representation of the ascii character. Where HHh is the seventh character of the
name. HHh should be sent as the hex representation of the ascii character.
Where IIh is the eigth character of the name. IIh should be sent as the hex
representation of the ascii character.
Maximum String length is 8 characters. A space is transmitted for
empty characters.
Trigger Preset
This command is sent to the matrix to recall a preset to the live
F1h 03h 03h 06h AAh
Where AAh is the preset number.
All Crosspoints Status Report (Class 2 ID 6)