Motherboard Product Guide
Ensure Host Computer and
Accessory Module Certifications
Make sure that the host computer, any added
subassembly, such as a board or drive
assembly, and internal or external wiring, are
certified for the region(s) where the end-product
will be used. Marks on the product are proof of
certification. Certification marks are as follows:
In Europe
The CE marking signifies compliance with all
relevant European requirements. If the host
computer does not bear the CE marking, obtain
a supplier’s Declaration of Conformity to the
appropriate standards required by the European
EMC Directive and Low Voltage Directive. Other
directives, such as the Machinery and
Telecommunications Directives, may also apply
depending on the type of product. No regulatory
assessment is necessary for low voltage DC
wiring used internally or wiring used externally
when provided with appropriate overcurrent
protection. Appropriate protection is provided by
a maximum
current limiting circuit or a
fuse or positive temperature
coefficient (PTC) resistor. All Intel motherboards
now have
on all external ports that provide
DC power externally.
In the United States
A certification mark by a Nationally Recognized
Testing Laboratory (NRTL) such as UL, CSA, or
ETL signifies compliance with safety
requirements. External wiring must be UL Listed
and suitable for the intended use. Internal wiring
must be UL Listed or Recognized and rated for
applicable voltages and temperatures. The FCC
mark (Class A for commercial or industrial only
or Class B for residential) signifies compliance
with electromagnetic interference requirements.
In Canada
A nationally recognized certification mark such
as CSA or
signifies compliance with safety
requirements. No regulatory assessment is
necessary for low voltage DC wiring used
internally or wiring used externally when
provided with appropriate overcurrent protection.
Appropriate protection is provided by a
current limiting circuit or a
fuse or positive temperature
coefficient (PTC) resistor. All Intel motherboards
now have
on all external ports that provide
DC power externally.