Development Tools User’s Guide
IXP2400/IXP2800 Network Processors
PCI Bus Functional Model
#ifndef DLLIMPEX
#define DLLIMPEX __declspec(dllimport)
The pci_define_device function defines a PCI slave or master
@param device_id:
A unique integer used to identify the device in subse-
function calls. This can take a value of 0 or 1.
@param mode:
1 = slave.
All other values are Reserved and should not be used.
@return 1 on succes, 0 on failure
DLLIMPEX int pci_define_device(int device_id,
int mode);
The pci_set_param function specifies various parameters in a
previously defined device.
Each slave device can respond to one I/O space address range
one memory space address range.
@param device_id The device_id used in conjunction with
pci_define_device( )
@param io_memory 0 = I/O space; 1 = memory space
@param start_addr Start address for the range. Though there
no restriction on alignment imposed by this function,
devices in practice must be aligned to a boundary
by their range. See the PCI Spec "Configuration
Space" for
more info.
@param size Size of address range in bytes
@return 1 on success, 0 on failure