Development Tools User’s Manual
IXP2400/IXP2800 Network Processors
Developer Workbench
all contexts breakpoint
Enabled in all threads in Microengine.
all contexts breakpoint
Disabled in all threads in Microengine.
some contexts breakpoint
Set and enabled in this thread but not set in all threads in the
some contexts breakpoint
Set but disabled in this thread but not set in all threads in the
some contexts breakpoint
Not set in this thread but set and enabled in other threads in the
some contexts breakpoint
Not set in this thread but set and disabled in other threads in the
Conditional breakpoint
Enabled in all threads in Microengine.
Conditional breakpoint
Disabled in all threads in Microengine
Conditional breakpoint
Set and enabled in this thread but not set in all threads in the
Conditional breakpoint
Set but disabled in this thread but not set in all threads in the
Conditional breakpoint
Not set in this thread but set and enabled in other threads in the
Conditional breakpoint
Not set in this thread and set and disabled in other threads in
the Microengine.
Special breakpoint
The states of two or more breakpoints in the generated code are
different, so the corresponding line in the source code gets a
special breakpoint marker. In this situation, the only supported
action is to enable all the breakpoints by executing and
Insert/Remove Breakpoint command.