Did you notice the water anti leak seals? These are fold-
ed to tuck in-between the column and glass panel neatly. Do not
fold half of it outside!! If you think about this, any other way will
cause extensive leaks. You will channel the water out of the show-
er of course! Why not carefully silicone along the joint as you
make it! It will add rigidity and improve even better sealing quali-
Notice clean crisp joint with seal inside.
Above and below
For the latest fitting instructions please visit
Happy with this? Joints good, not pulled out of alignment? Yes
common sense really and easy to do but always check and check
again. The quality you put into workmanship now will reflect the
performance you with obtain over the coming years.
Now taking the second tinted glass panel repeat same operation.
All good? Great! Now align to the shower tray position where all
will fit when completed. You are looking for the perfect position so
nothing looks out of true to the human eye.
Take the straight upright aluminium columns as below either side
of tinted glass. Notice they will say “UP” on green labels. This end
fits at the top.
For the latest fitting instructions please visit
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