SkyGuard Interactive Gateway Module. Rev.1.4. May. 2017
DSC Power Series Programming and Connections
Compatible DSC Panels:
PC580 (Power 432)
PC5010 (Power 832)
PC1555 (Power 632)
PC5015 (Power 832)
PC1555MX (Power 632)
PC5020 (Power 864)
Account Setup
1) Refer to IGM account setup
instructions on page 2 and set up the
account on the Dealer Portal.
2) Be sure to add a contact that uses
the system MASTER CODE to the
account before connecting the
module. This will ensure the
module can properly communicate
with and configure required
system settings.
Panel Programming
3) Using the system’s Installer Code:
a) Disable the Communicator
b) Disable the Telephone Line Monitor ([015]:[7])
c) Delete Telephone Numbers (programming section 301-303)
d) Verify Alt Comm ([351]:[5]) is enabled
e) Verify T-Link is Disabled ([382]:[5])
f) Verify Master Code Not Changeable is Disabled ([015]:[6])
g) Verify Access Code Required for *1, *2, *3 menus is disabled ([022]:[1])
h) Verify that keypad lockout is either zero(disabled) or higher than 6 ([012])
If you have removed any bus devices, perform a Module Supervision Reset ([902])
4) Verify Alarm report codes are setup properly for the zones that are being used, 1-64 (programming
section 320-324). System will report as Burg(130) if programmed as FF.
5) If using Aux input (PGM2) verify Aux input report codes are setup properly (programming section 329:4).
System will report as Fire (110) if programmed as FF.
6) To enable reporting of the Period Test Transmission, program the “periodic Test Transmission” ([348]:[4])
and the “Periodic Test Transmission with Trouble” ([348]:[3]) reporting codes to “02”.
7) All other reports are hardcoded in the gateway and cannot be changed regardless of what is entered in
the programmed location.
8) Format and account number have no effect on reporting.
IGM Connection
Disarm the system (all partitions)
Power down the DSC system.
Set RE927X panel selector switch to DSC
Connect the DSC Panel and RE927X as shown in the Wiring Instructions above.
Apply power to the DSC system.
The DSC control panel will begin automatic configuration. This can take up to 2 minutes.
Installation complete.