10/03/2010 Instruction manual ABRE
Manual ABRE EN V03.doc
04 – Assembly
: When working with the dock shelter, you must always observe the law
on occupational risk prevention and the regulations on health, safety and hygiene at work.
Please find below the steps for installing the dock shelter:
Step 1: Anchor the sides to the wall where you wish to install the dock shelter; this must be
centred with the doorway.
The lower part of the sides must be flush with the building floor and must be fitted so that they
are fully parallel.
Verify that the distance between the sides (the width of the dock shelter) is correct (depending
on the width of the dock shelter to install). Check that the measurement between the doorway
and the guide you are positioning (A) is equal on both sides (see Figs. 2 and 3).
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Step 2: Position the upper profiles, with the brackets that join them to the sides you have just
positioned and the covering canvas.
Position the sides of the covering canvas using the guides on the sides of the dock shelter.
Verify that the covering canvas is properly positioned and is as tight as possible
(see Fig. 4).
Step 3: Place the side canvas in the vertical guides of the dock shelter. Both canvas must be
aligned and symmetrical
(see Fig. 5).