Nix Product Manual |
Wiring and Connections
INGENIA | 01/22/2019
Since power supplies have a power-up ramp (or soft start) this typically does not represent a problem at all.
However in systems with many axis in parallel or when the DC supply is controlled by a relay, an inrush current limit
circuit is strongly suggested, otherwise, the peak can cause unnecessary stress to the power supply and electronics
that could reduce its lifespan. There are 2 common ways to solve this.
Use a passive Inrush Current Limiter (
). Which is a negative temperature coefficient (NTC) resistor
showing a high resistance at startup that limits the peak and then drops down during operation. This option
provides the lowest cost and simplicity but will become hot during operation and reduce system energy
efficiency. Choose according to your system current ratings and power supply capacity.
Use an active precharge relay circuit. By having a current limit resistor between power supply that will limit
the inrush and then bypass it with a electromechanical or solid state relay. Some relays include an on-delay
function. An alternative is to activate the relay from the driver after power up, by using a macro and a GPO
to control the relay.
Power supply connection
Nix logic and power supplies are provided through two different pins, LOGIC_SUP and POW_SUP. Therefore, the
logic circuitry and the power stage can be powered from different power supplies.
• Nix versions NIX-10/48 and NIX-15/48 s10 V to +48 V in both inputs.
If logic supply is not connected,
the logic is powered from power supply with a bypass diode.
• Nix version NIX-5/170 su10 V to +48 V in the LOGIC_SUP input, and +10 V to +170 V in the POW_SUP
input. In the 170V version the bypass diode from DC bus is not mounted.
The following picture shows the Nix versions
NIX-10/48 and NIX-15/48 supply wiring diagram.
NIX-10/48 and NIX-15/48 double supply
For double supplying the NIX-10/48 and NIX-15/48,
logic supply voltage must be higher than or equal to
power supply voltage
Twisted cables
Twisted power supply cables are preferred to reduce electromagnetic emissions and increase immunity.