Press Up(▲) button
[Move cursor. (+00)]
Press Down(▼) button
[Character is changed]
Press Enter( ) button.
[Exit after stored.]
First position(
It c/-.
Store the setting and
then exit.
Second po
Changes second position.
Third position (+0
It changes third position.
3-1-4. Printer
In this Menu, you can set Print Contrast, Print Positions and use of various sensors.
In this Menu, you can adjust print contrast.
1. Select Setup
Menu – Printer – Contrast.
Above key operations are described in following table.
2. Press Up(▲) button to move the cursor one step towards right side (selecting the +/-).
Press Down(▼) button to change the positive/negative setting.
3. Press Up(▲) button to move the cursor one more step to the right.
Press Down (▼) button to increase/decrease the print contrast setting (0 – 9).
**Adjusting the Print Contrast
4. If you exceed the minimum/maximum range then following Menu appears and you must set
the print contrast within the acceptable range.
1. Select Setup
Menu-Printer-Supply Pos
3. Above key operations are described in following table.
4. When to set, if you set exceeding minimum/maximum range then following Menu
appears on the upper part and then returns to Setting Menu again.
This Menu sets how much the paper is fed during printing.
**Adjusting the Supply Position
2. In following picture, if Up(▲) button is pressed then position of cursor moves towards
right side by one step. And if Down(▼) button is pressed then the level of character on
which the cursor is presently positioned is increased. For example, if you press on + then
it changes to -/If it is pressed on – then it is changed to +, if it is pressed on figure(Number)
then the figure increases by 1(0~9). If it becomes the data desired by user then store it and
exit by pressing Enter( ) button.
Press Up(▲) button
[Move cursor. (+00)]
Press Down(▼) button
[Character is changed]
Press Enter( ) button.
[Exit after stored.]
First position(
It c/-.
Store the setting and
then exit.
Second po
Changes 10 digit.
Third position (+0
It changes 1 digit.