Where to go for more information
Infoblox Documentation CD
The Infoblox Documentation CD that ships with each Infoblox device
contains product documentation in PDF format. In particular, for more detail
on any of the features presented in this user guide, refer to the
Administrator Guide
Infoblox GUI Help
When using the Infoblox GUI, you can view HTML Help by clicking the two
Help icons—
, located on the far right of the GUI menu bar, and
(question mark), located in the left corner at the bottom of each dialog box.
The Infoblox Web site contains a number of useful resources, such as
Infoblox Technical Support:
Access the knowledgebase, software downloads, release notes,
product documentation, and personal assistance (via e-mail and
telephone). Access requires a user ID and password. Register at
• Technical Training and Certification:
Learn about the curriculum, schedule, and fee for an instructor-led
technical training course. Online registration is provided.
• Download Center:
Download product data sheets, case studies, white papers,
application/tech notes, and more.