For the Infoblox-2000 Appliance
Accessing the Appliance
The management system is the computer from which you configure and monitor the Infoblox appliance. You can
access the appliance from the management system remotely across an Ethernet network or directly through a serial
After completing the steps in
Cabling the Appliance to a Network
on page 14, you can make an HTTPS connection to
the appliance and access the Infoblox GUI through JWS (Java Web Start). You can also download the Infoblox Grid
Manager from the Infoblox Technical Support web site and use it to access the Infoblox GUI. For information about
the Grid Manager, refer to the
Quick Start Guide for the Infoblox Grid Manager
Alternatively, you can make an SSHv2 connection and access the CLI through an SSHv2 client. You can also access
the CLI by connecting a serial cable directly from the console port of a management system to the console port on
the appliance, and then using a terminal emulation program.
The management system must meet the following requirements to operate an Infoblox appliance.
Table 3
Software and Hardware Requirements for the Management System
Management System Software Requirements
Management System Hardware Requirements
Microsoft Internet Explorer
6.0 or higher on
Microsoft Windows NT
4.0, Microsoft
2000, Microsoft Windows XP
Mozilla 1.7 or higher on Red Hat
Fedora Core 5 or higher, Red Hat
Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version
1.5.0_14 or version 1.6
JWS application, which is automatically installed
with JRE 1.5.0_14 or higher
Secure Socket Shell (SSH) client that supports
Terminal emulation program, such as minicom or
Hilgraeve Hyperterminal
Minimum System:
500 MHz CPU with 256 MB RAM available to the
Infoblox GUI, and 56 Kbps connectivity to an
Infoblox appliance
Recommended System:
1 GHz (or higher) CPU with 512 MB RAM available
for the Infoblox GUI, and network connectivity to an
Infoblox appliance
Monitor Resolution:
1024 x 768 (minimum) to 1600 x 1200 (maximum)