Changing Power Supplies
For the Infoblox-2000 Appliance
Changing Power Supplies
The Infoblox-2000 ships with two redundant, auto-switching AC or DC power supplies. The power supplies are
“hot-swappable,” so you can remove or replace one power supply without interrupting appliance operation and
network services.
When the Infoblox-2000 contains two functioning power supplies, they share the power load equally. If one power
supply fails, the other assumes the full load automatically and the appliance sends a system alarm. Although the
Infoblox-2000 can run with only one power supply, it is advisable to install both power supplies that were shipped
with the appliance. This practice minimizes the chance of system failure due to an individual power supply failure.
Each power supply weighs about three pounds (1.36 kg). The faceplate of the power supply contains a power LED
and a power switch. Each power supply links to a dedicated male power outlet.
The DC power supply also contains three DC power terminal blocks that connect to power cables. Branch circuit
protection is required between the DC service panel and an Infoblox-2000 appliance with DC power supplies;
therefore, a time delay, slow blow fuse is installed internally on each DC power supply of the appliance. The fuse is
a 15-Amp capacity fuse. The DC units have connections for each supply: DC +, DC -, and ground. Note that a fuse
cannot be placed in the ground circuit, per the NEC (National Electrical Code) and CEC (Canadian Electrical Code).
Infoblox-2000 appliances with DC power supplies should be installed in restricted access locations only. A readily
accessible disconnect device must be incorporated in the building wiring as well.
Figure 12
Removing the Power Supply
The LED for a power supply glows green to indicate that the power supply is fully seated in the bay, is powered on,
and is functioning properly. The LED appears dark to indicate the power supply is not fully seated, is not turned on,
or has failed.
Before you replace a power supply, make sure that the other power supply is on and functioning properly. Keep the
power for the other supply on so that the appliance can continue providing service. You will need a Phillips-head
screwdriver. To replace a power supply:
Turn off the power supply that you want to replace.
Disconnect the power cable from the outlet for this power supply.
Grip the handle
and pull it out.
Use a Phillips-head screwdriver
to turn the screw
counter-clockwise to release the
power supply.
Turn off the power supply.
The Power LED appears dark.
Disconnect the power cable.
Lock Release