Dual-spectrum Network Bullet Camera User Manual
button, you can save the current screen image
into the d:\of the local computer in *.Bmp format. The way of naming is: device
name+channel NO. + Time, for example “D:\20190411\***_1_105925.bmp”,
the size of the image file is consistent with the image resolution. If there is
overlaying characters and time on the preview image, then the same will be
displayed in the snapshot picture.
Local Record
the button turns orange
the system
starts recording, then the system will automatically create a folder named after
the current date in disk D of local computer and save files into the folder in
*.Mp4 format, the way of naming is device name+channel NO. + Time, for
example, the video file recorded on 11
, April, 2019 is saved as
“D:\20190411\***_1_110038.mp4”, if Disk D is full, the file will be saved into
the next disk automatically. If the disk space is insufficient, the previous video
files will be deleted, and the latest video files will be saved. Click
button again to stop recording, the button will turn white.
All Record
the button turns orange, the system will
record in all channels.
Image Size Preview
to make the image display in different
size, the background of the button chosen will turn white. When the image is
displayed in full screen, you can click the right mouse button to return to the