Figure 4-2 Live View
V6822-T series IP minidome camera supports H.264 and M-JPEG video
compression formats. After successful login, it enters H.264 major stream live
video interface. Users can also select H.264 minor stream or MJPEG from the
dropdown list of stream type. In the H.264 major or minor stream type, users
can do recording, snapshootting, and audio in/out settings. Over browsing
videos, users can also select a proper video scale.
Click the button
to snapshoot and
to enter the storage path. Default:
V6822-T series supports local recording. Click the recording button
to start
recording; when the button changes to
, click it to stop recording. During local
appears on the video screen. Click the button
to enter the
recording storage path. Default: C:\InfiPlayerAX\ Video.