ADS-260 User Guide
5. Programming the unit
The way to enter the unit setup mode is the following:
1. Install the USB driver on a PC.
2. Connect the USB port to a PC. The Status LED is lighting for 2 sec.
3. Put a Jumper on JMP1. The Status LED starts blinking, indicating setup mode.
Program execution is suspended.
There are two ways to program the unit:
1. Connecting the unit to a PC and using a terminal program to pass the ASCII
commands to the unit, according to the scheme: “Command, Parameters
<CR>”. The terminal settings should be: Baud rate: 115200 bps, Data bits: 8,
Parity: none, Stop bits: 1, Flow control: none.
2. Connecting the unit to a PC and using the WA Manager software. This is the
most convenient way. The Device ID, which is necessary for connecting the
unit to the Sigfox network, is automatically read during downloading the
parameter file to the device. The Device ID is also printed on a label in the
device interior.