Picture 5-26
This menu allows the users to configure the alarm settings.
Alarm In:
Select the Alarm Input port
Alarm Type:
Select the Alarm type: Normally Open, Normally Close, and OFF.
Latch Time:
Set the alarm latch time as10, 20 40 or 60 seconds
Buzzer Time:
Enable/Disable buzzer alarm when an alarm in triggered. The users can choose the
buzzer alarm to be raised for 10, 20, 40 or 60 seconds)
Post Recording:
Select the time for which the video has to be recording once the motion is
finished. The users can set this time as 30 seconds, 1 minute, 2 minutes or 5 minutes.
Alarm Out:
Check to activate Alarm relay out when an alarm in triggered.
Show Message:
Messages will be displayed on the screen when an alarm in triggered.
Send Email:
Check to send Email notification when an alarm in triggered.
Full Screen:
Check to pop up the channel when an alarm in triggered.
Record Channel:
Check to record the selected channels when an alarm in triggered.
Analog Channels:
Select the Analog channels to be recorded when an alarm in triggered.
IP Channels:
Select the Analog channels to be recorded when an alarm in triggered.
Copy the parameters of the selected channel to any other or all channels
5.2.2 Record Search General
Go to “Main Menu”
“Record Search”
“Record Search” to enter into the menu as shown in Picture