Introduction to Digital Power Conversion
XMC4000/1000 Family
Converter Topologies
Application Guide
V1.0, 2015-01
PFC Variants
There are different types of PFC circuits, which mix a balance of complexity versus performance.
Here we show just some of the basic topologies. These can be mixed into more sophisticated, multi-
phased, interleaved, full-bridgeless PFCs by Synchronous rectification.
Figure 8
PFC Types such as
– Conventional – Bridge Interleave – Bridgeless – Totem pole
PFC Performance
High Power Factor (PF) and low Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) are directly related, so the basic
circuits can be listed in performance order, as follows:
Conventional Boost PFC
Low cost BOM solution.
Interleaved Boost PFC (High Power)
Even though there still is a diode bridge, the continuous interleaved current offers the advantage
of using smaller components.
Bridgeless/Totem-Pole Bridgeless PFC (High Power)
The diode bridge is replaced by a MOSFET semi-bridge / half-bridge Totem-Pole rectifier.
Bridgeless Interleaved PFC (High power)
(Not shown) Enables use of successive expansion of multi-phase bridgeless interleaved boost