UPS Main Control
XC164CS Implementation of Main Control
Application Note
V1.0, 2007-03
XC164CS Implementation of Main Control
XC164CM Introduction
XC164CM is a member of the enhanced 16-bit microcontroller family XC166 which
offers impressive DSP performance and advanced interrupt handling combined with a
powerful integrated peripheral set and high performance, reliable on-chip Flash memory.
The resource of Infineon 16-bit microcontroller XC164CM utilized in this UPS reference
design is illustrated in Figure 5 (the modules encircled by magenta rectangles).
Figure 5
XC164CM Overview (DAvE Interface)
The CAPCOM6 unit is made up of a Timer T12 block with 3
capture/compare channels and a Timer T13 block with 1 compare channel. The T12
channels can independently generate PWM signals or accept capture triggers, or they can
jointly generate control signal patterns to drive AC-motors or inverters. Its block diagram is
shown on Figure 6.
Four conversion modes are supported: Fixed Channel Single Conversion mode,
Fixed Channel Continuous Conversion mode, Auto Scan Single Conversion mode, Auto
Scan Continuous Conversion mode. 8-bit or 10-bit resolution is alternative. DMA (PEC)
support is available for result transfer to memory.
Two 16-bit timers (T7/T8) with reload registers provide 2 independent
time bases for each capture/compare register array which contain 16 dual purpose
capture/compare registers, each of which may be individually allocated to either timer T7
or T8 respectively and programmed for capture or compare operation. Figure 7 gives out
its block diagram.
Up to 47 general I/O pins are available in XC164CM. All port lines are
individually bit-addressable and all I/O lines are independently programmable for input or
output. The driver strength, open drain modes and input thresholds for dedicated ports are
all programmable.