Application Note
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001-84858 Rev. *N
PSoC 4 Programming Using an External Microcontroller (HSSP)
Appendix C: Bit Field Definitions of HSSP Error Status Register
Bit 5 – SROM Polling Timeout Error
Flash programming in PSoC 4 is done by using SROM APIs. This bit is set when the
function returns an error status. The CPUSS_SYSREQ register is polled for the status code for 1 second. This bit
is set if the time exceeds 1 second or if the status code returned by this function corresponds to FAILURE. This
function is called in all the HSSP steps to read the status of SROM system requests.
If this bit is set, the host programmer must call the
function in
read and display the value of the status code returned during polling.
For more details on SROM status codes, see
Bit 6 – Verification Failure
This error bit, which is set in multiple steps, can fail in verification for multiple reasons, as
Table 14
Verification Errors
Steps and Reasons
Error Step
Reason for Error
Device Acquire (Step 1)
Device ID Verification
IDCODE returned by device does not match the Cortex-
M0 DAP ID (0x0BB11477).
Verify Silicon ID (Step 2)
Silicon ID Verification
Silicon ID information in the hex file does not match
the Silicon ID read from the target device.
Verify Flash (Step 6)
Flash Data Verification
Flash data does not match the data in the hex file.
Verify Protection Settings
(Step 7)
Flash Protection Data
Verification Error
Row protection data or chip protection data read from
the silicon does not match the hex file data.
Verify Checksum (Step 9)
Checksum Verification
Checksum value of the flash data in the target device
does not match the checksum data in the hex file.
It is clear from the previous conditions that bit 6 can be set in many verification error cases. Based on the step
in which the bit is set, you can infer the cause of the verification failure. For example, if the bit is set in the
“Verify Silicon ID” step, the host programmer appli
cation can determine that the error is due to the mismatch
of the silicon ID.
Bit 7 – Transition Error
This bit is set when the chip protection settings read from the chip and the chip protection settings stored in
the hex file indicate a wrong transition.
“Appendix A. Chip
Level Protection” of the
programming specifications document of the respective device
listed in the
section to learn about protection modes and the state diagram for valid
and invalid transitions.