To be used wiTh a lap-sash/lap only* seaT belT in The fronT/back* of mosT cars wiTh forward facing
seaTs. for a vehicle without a fixed parcel shelf an extension strap(s) may be needed. if so ring (02) 4728 8090 for nearest
supply location. This restraint must be attached to a child restraint anchorage point in the car. refer to car owner’s handbook
for location of anchorage points. refer to a child restraint fitting station if no car anchorage points are in the motor vehicle.
before installation please read the whole instructions carefully on installation and if in doubt about the method of installation
please consult infa products or a child restraint fitting station authorised by the relevant transport authority. in new Zealand,
consult the agent for the vehicle.
connect and use the restraint exactly as shown in the instructions. fit the restraint firmly to the car seat. fit the harness firmly
to the child. a loose restraint or harness is dangerous. supervision of children is needed because they may be able to undo
repairs must only be done by the manufacturer or agent. do not alter or modify this restraint. do not allow the restraint to
come into contact with polishes, oils, bleach and other chemicals. destroy the restraint if it has been in a severe crash, even if
no damage is visible. seat belt extenders should not be used if the seat belt is not long enough to secure the child restraint.
IMPORTANT: This resTrainT is noT suiTable for use in a haTchback
or wagon where The anchorage sTrap may fall inTo a spliT in
The seaT back. do noT leaVe children unaTTended in The car
regular care of the restraint will ensure safety of your child.
check the webbing for fraying.
check that the buckle clicks and is not sluggish or sticky in operation.
ensure there are no cracks in moulding or the plastic moulding.
check the harness adjuster is operating and is clamping the webbing.
imporTanT: care must be taken that food, sticky liquids (eg fruit juice, milk formulas, etc) does not get inside
your harness buckle as it may become sluggish. if you do not hear an audible click when engaging the buckle it
may mean it is becoming sluggish. immediately contact infa products so that it can be cleaned and checked to
ensure it is operating properly.
110 - 114 old bathurst road, emu plains. nsw 2570 (02) 4728 8090
care instructions ...................................................................................................................................page 1& 9
cover removal ...........................................................................................................................................page 9
harness replacement and fitting ........................................................................................................page 9 & 10
how to install child position (8 - 18kg) ...............................................................................................page 6 & 7
how to install infant position (0 - 9kg) ..................................................................................................page 3 & 4
how to install upper anchorage fittings ..................................................................................................page 2
how to use for child (8 - 18kg) ...............................................................................................................page 8
how to use for infant (0 - 9kg) ..................................................................................................................page 5
size adjustment and shoulder height .....................................................................................................page 5/8
upper anchorage strap installation (8 to 18kg) ......................................................................................page 6
warnings ....................................................................................................................................................page 1