Step 6:
Step 7:
Step 8:
Step 9:
Step 10:
Step 11:
Place the Buckle under warm (max. 40 degrees
Celsius) running water as shown below. Let the water
run through the mouth of the buckle for five minutes.
Do not immerse the harness in water (refer Figure 5).
Engage and disengage the Tongues and Buckles
several times until a strong audible
is heard
when inserting the last tongue (refer Figure 6).
Figure 5
Figure 6
Figure 7
Harness Buckle
If you still cannot hear a strong audible click after
engaging the Tongues and Buckle, then repeat
cleaning several times. If the Buckle cannot be
returned to its original working condition then
contact InfaSecure Customer Service.
If in working order refit the Buckle to the restraint
with the red button facing out and feeding each
3-bar plate through appropriate slot (refer Figure 7).
Turn the Buckle adjusting plate and push through
the right hand slot (refer Figure 7 & 8).
Turn the Buckle 3 bar plate and push through the
left hand slot (refer Figure 7 & 9).