User Manual
© 2017 Inertial Sense, LLC
Getting Started
This section provides instructions on how to quickly set up the µINS, µAHRS, or µIMU and start collecting data.
Unpacking Your Unit
Most customers will choose to purchase the EVB (Evaluation Board) and Semi-Rugged Case with their µINS, µAHRS,
or µIMU. The EVB allows for multiple types of serial connections to be made with the µINS, µAHRS, or µIMU
including RS232, RS485, RS422, TTL, and USB. (Coming soon CAN bus, SPI and I2C.) A FTDI USB to serial converter
on the EVB connects the EVB USB port to a serial port on the µINS, µAHRS, or µIMU.
Downloading the EvalTool and SDK
The EvalTool and CLTool (part of the SDK) are provided to help users quickly evaluate and integrate the µINS,
µAHRS, and µIMU.
You can visit the Inertial Sense website’s Resources page at
to get access to
the source code downloads (EvalTool and SDK). The EvalTool Windows installer comes with the SDK and firmware.
The installer will automatically save the EvalTool in C:\Program Files\Inertial Sense, and a desktop shortcut will also
be created. The SDK and firmware will be saved in C:\Users\UserName\Documents\Inertial Sense. The SDK and
firmware can also be downloaded individually and saved into a directory of your choosing.
EvalTool GUI
The EvalTool is a graphical Windows-based desktop program that allows you to explore and test functionality of
the Inertial Sense products in real-time. It has scrolling plots, 3D model representation, table views of all data, a
data logger, and a firmware updating interface for the µINS, µAHRS, or µIMU. The EvalTool can simultaneously
interface with multiple Inertial Sense devices.
In the EvalTool under the Settings tab, make sure to select the Auto Refresh check box next to the COM port
connected to the µINS, µAHRS, or µIMU. Once the correct COM port is selected data will immediately begin to be
Connecting To Your Unit
A serial port is the standard interface on the µINS, µAHRS, and µIMU. The EVB provides an optional RS232 and
USB interface to the serial ports. When the EVB USB port is connected to a PC, it will appear as a virtual com port
to Ser1. Both the EvalTool and the InertialSenseCLTool project connect using a serial port. The baud rate can be
configured by modifying the
fields of DID_FLASH_CONFIG, which can be accessed
in the DataSets tab of the EvalTool.
Table 1
Serial Communication Ports
µIMU Pins
Interface Type
EVB Pins
Interface Type
Ser 0
18,19 (Rx,Tx)
H4: 3,4 (Rx,Tx)
TTL, RS232,
USB (default)
Ser 1
6,7 (Rx,Tx)
H6: 4,5 (Rx,Tx)
TTL, RS232,
RS485/RS422, USB
EVB USB connection toggles between Ser0 and Ser1
by setting “USB” jumpers