User Manual
© 2017 Inertial Sense, LLC
Plotting Log Files
Three methods of plotting are distributed with the IS-SDK, including Matlab, Python, and Excel. Each method of
plotting is only implemented to plot one specific file type. To plot with Matlab the data must be saved as *.dat file
type. To plot with Python the data must be saved as *.sdat file type. To plot with Excel the data must be saved as
*.csv file type. The EvalTool can be used to convert a *.dat or *.sdat data type into a *.dat, *.sdat, or *.csv data
type in the Logger tab > File Conversion Utility.
Matlab (*.dat)
To plot using matlab, open “main.m” and push run. A user interface will open asking you to, “
Select Folder that
contains desired (.dat) log files to be read from
.” Once you select the desired folder, the data will be read from the
files and plotted. If you desire to change which data types are plotted,
open “plotData.m” and
change the struct
“plotLog.[type]” to either a 1 or 0. “main.m” only needs to be run once, after which “plotData.m” can be run
multiple times.
Python (*.sdat)
The sorted data log (*.sdat) file format is provide for fast loading of uniform c type binary data from a file. It is the
fastest method for loading large data sets and is ideal for plotting data.
Excel (*.csv)
The comma separated value (.csv) file format can be imported into most software packages, including Excel,
Matlab, and Python.