Incite Hochiki-Securiton Interface Module– Rev 1.0
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The Incite Hochiki-Securiton Interface Module (SEC-HIM-35) has been designed to enable Securiton
Aspirating Smoke Detectors to be connected to a Hochiki loop and bring the alarm and fault signals
back to the panel for processing.
There are three parts to a complete system.
SEC-HIM-35: This is the main module which utilises a CHQ-POM to interfaces the Aspirating
Smoke Detector (ASD) to the loop. Every system must contain one of these.
SEC-HIM-35B: This is a secondary module which in only required on an ASD535/2. It utilises a CHQ-
SIM to interface the second ASD to the loop. It contains a cable to connect to the SEC-HIM-35 unit.
These modules are used to display the status of the
ASDs, and allow individual Disable and Reset switches for each ASD.
The Hochiki-Securiton Interface Module consists of two parts connected via a ribbon cable.
These are available only as a complete set.
The control PCB consists of a CHQ-POM, and associated electronics
to allow it to interface to the Securiton ASD-531, ASD-532 and
ASD535 detectors.
The termination PCB consists of fingers to fit into the terminal
blocks on the Securiton detectors. Two box headers are provided
to allow the ribbon from the control PCB to plug in. Header J1 is
used for the ASD531 and ASD532 detector, while header J2 is used
for the ASD535 detector.
This module is only used with the Securiton ASD535 when the
second aspirator is installed and plugs into the SEC-HIM-35. It
can only be used in conjunction with the SEC-HIM-35. The SEC-
HIM-35B utilises a CHQ-SIM.