Appendix B: Troubleshooting
B e g i n n i n g t o T r o u b l e s h o o t
In the event that your MicroLYNX System doesn’t operate properly the first step
is to identify whether the problem is electrical or mechanical in nature. The next
step is to isolate the system component that is causing
the problem. As part of this process you may have to
disconnect the individual components that make up
your system and verify that they operate indepen-
dently. It is important to document each step in the
troubleshooting process. You may need this docu-
mentation to refer back to at a later date, or these
details will greatly assist one of our application
engineers in determining the problem should you
need assistance.
Many of the problems that effect motion control systems can be traced to electrical
noise, software errors or mistakes in wiring.
T r o u b l e s h o o t i n g C o m m u n i c a t i o n s
In the event that you are unable to establish communications with your
MicroLYNX, check the following:
Verify wiring and connections.
Verify that the “Upgrade” switch is in the “OFF” state.
Verify proper communications port selection by jumping pins
RX and TX on the 9 pin or 25 pin connector on the host PC
and observing loop-back echo.
If using a laptop with an RS-232 to RS-422 converter, note that
some laptops are unable to support the converter due to power
Verify that the terminal settings such as BAUD rate, data bits
and flow control are set to 8, N, 1.
T r o u b l e s h o o t i n g S o f t w a r e
The MicroLYNX features a FAULT LED and error codes that may give the
source of the error. It is a good rule of thumb to clear all programs (CP 1,1
followed by SAVE), variables and flags (DVF), and restore the factory defaults (IP).
You may then retransfer the program to the LYNX and attempt to run it again. If
the program still fails you can use the tracing functions of the EXEC command to
further isolate the problem.
To assist you in troubleshooting errors, the FAULT LED on the MicroLYNX can
be enabled or disabled
Setting the FAULT flag to a TRUE (1) state will cause the LED to illuminate
Many of the problems that
effect motion control systems can
be traced to electrical noise,
software errors, or mistakes
in wiring!
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