Expanding The MicroLYNX
M i c r o L Y N X E x p a n s i o n M o d u l e s
A d d i t i o n a l I s o l a t e d D i g i t a l I / O
The Isolated Digital I/O can be expanded an additional 3 groups (30 - 50) for a
total of 24 programmable I/O lines.
These expansion boards can go in any available slot. The group number will be
determined by whichever slot they are plugged into: slot 1 will be group 30, slot 2
will be group 40, and slot 3 will be group 50.
These expansion boards will be configured and used in the same manner as the I/O
bank that is standard on the MicroLYNX.
The IMS Part # for this item is MX-DI100-000 (Terminal Block) or MX-DI200-
000 (10 Pin Header).
H i g h - S p e e d D i f f e r e n t i a l I / O M o d u l e
If closed loop motion control, ratio functions such as following or electronic
gearing or the ability to sequentially control a second axis is required, up to two
High-Speed Differential I/O Modules can be installed in slots 2 and 3, giving
three channels of high-speed differential (or single) I/O apiece. The IMS Part #
for this item is MX-DD100-000 (Terminal Block) or MX-DD200-000 (Pin
A n a l o g I n p u t / J o y s t i c k M o d u l e
The Analog Input/Joystick Module features two 12 bit, 0 to 5 volt input chan-
nels which can be used to monitor devices such as temperature and pressure
sensors. It can also be used to control an axis with a joystick. It features two
voltage outputs: a 5 volt joystick reference, and a precision 4.096 volt calibration
reference. This device can be installed in any available slot.
The IMS Part # for this item is MX-AJ100-000 (Terminal
Block) or MX-AJ200-000 (Pin Header).
C h o o s i n g t h e E x p a n s i o n M o d u l e s
f o r Y o u r A p p l i c a t i o n
A powerful feature of the MicroLYNX is the versatility
offered by its wide range of configurations available through
the expansion modules.
The expansion modules listed above may be used singly or in
combination to customize your MicroLYNX System to the
specific requirements of your application. The table on the
following page lists a collection of possible application re-
quirements and their suggested MicroLYNX configurations.
The MicroLYNX Expansion
Modules can be used singly or
in combination to custom-fit
the MicroLYNX System to
your specific application needs !
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