F o l l o w i n g a n E x t e r n a l C l o c k ( E l e c t r o n i c G e a r i n g )
The High-Speed Differential I/O Module allows you to configure the
MicroLYNX’s primary axis to follow an external clock input.
The hardware connection
(Figure 9.8)
is almost identical to that
shown for closed loop control, only in this instance instead of
using a quadrature clock input for position monitoring and
maintenance, we will use the encoder input to control the
primary axis.
Using this type of application introduces the HAE (Half Axis
Enable) flag and the HAS (Half Axis Scaling) variable. In half
axis mode the master clock is taken from the CLK2, CLK3 or
CLK4 (I/O channels 13 & 14, 15 & 16 or 17 & 18), which have
the IOS variable configured as inputs, a clock type, and ratio
mode enabled. The primary axis will move as a ratio of this
clock based upon the factor entered in the HAS variable.
H a l f A x i s E n a b l e / D i s a b l e F l a g
This flag (1) enables and (0) disables half axis scaling mode. The default condition
is (0) disabled. The HAE flag must be enabled for this mode to function.
H a l f A x i s S c a l i n g V a r i a b l e
The half axis scaling variable is the factor by which the Follower Input: Primary
Axis ratio is scaled. The range of the factor is >-1 to <1. For example, a setting
of HAS=.5 will output 1 pulse on the primary axis for every 2 pulses input to the
follower input or a 2:1 ratio, HAS=.2 will be 5:1, HAS=.999 will be .999:1 and
so on. The default HAS value is 0.000, thus some factor must be entered to make
this function.
C o n f i g u r i n g t h e I / O f o r H a l f A x i s M o d e
The parameter setup to make this configuration follows. This assumes a High-
Speed Differential I/O Expansion Module installed in slot 2. If your module is
installed in slot 3, use I/O channels 15 and 16 (IOS 15=5,0,1,0,1,1 and IOS
16=6,0,1,0,1,1) instead. The raw count of clock pulses will register to CTR3. I/O
channels 17 and 18 can be used for this also, only there is no registration of clock
IOS 13=3,0,1,0,1,1
‘I/O 13 quad. input, ratio mode
IOS 14=4,0,1,0,1,1
‘I/O 14 quad. input, ratio mode
‘Enable half-axis scaling mode
‘Half-axis scaling variable to .5 (1 output
‘pulse on the pri. axis for 2 input pulses)
With this configuration, one (1) step clock pulse will output to the primary axis
for every two (2) input clock pulses.
By reading the value of CTR2 and CTR1 you can see the ratio of the pulses.
Try different HAS variable, motor resolution and MUNIT settings to see how
the primary axis is effected by different settings.
For an excellent application
example where half axis mode
is utilized see Section 12: Sample
Applications, Traverse!
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