Diagnostic Error Codes
Several different error codes may be displayed on the digital readouts labeled To Process and Set Point. Most of the possible error
codes indicate some type of failure in the microprocessor controller. Below is a list of the error codes. If there are any error codes
other than the one listed below, try to reset the unit by shutting the power off and then turning it back on. If this does not work, make
a note of the error code and contact our Tech Service Department for further assistance.
Table 3 - Diagnostic Error Codes
Cause/Corrective Action
Pr Off
Brown Out Indication
The Pr Off code will be indicated on the display if the unit is running and main power is
discontinued or drops more than 10% below the normal operating voltage, the unit will shut down
and the Pr OFF fault will be indicated on the digital displays. Pressing the Stop button will clear
this fault condition.
EEPROM Failure
Controller requires servicing. Contact Manufacturer for repair or replacement.
A/D Co nverter Failure
Controller requires servicing. Contact Manufacturer for repair or replacement.
Controller serial bus failure
Controller requires servicing. Contact Manufacturer for repair or replacement.
CJC Error
Controller requires servicing. Contact Manufacturer for repair or replacement.
Unused memory byte changed
Controller requires servicing. Contact Manufacturer for repair or replacement.
Device or communication
Controller requires servicing. Contact Manufacturer for repair or replacement.
configuration change or invalid
Fixed parameter associated
Controller requires servicing. Contact Manufacturer for repair or replacement.
with range invalid
Setpoint out of temperature range
Controller requires servicing. Contact Manufacturer for repair or replacement.
RAM hardware failure
Controller requires servicing. Contact Manufacturer for repair or replacement.
Invalid device configuration
Controller requires servicing. Contact Manufacturer for repair or replacement.
Invalid program counter
Controller requires servicing. Contact Manufacturer for repair or replacement.
Infinite software loop detect
Controller requires servicing. Contact Manufacturer for repair or replacement.
Data direction register failure
Controller requires servicing. Contact Manufacturer for repair or replacement.
Communication data register failure
Controller requires servicing. Contact Manufacturer for repair or replacement.
Timer data register failure
Controller requires servicing. Contact Manufacturer for repair or replacement.
Hardware watchdog data register failure
Controller requires servicing. Contact Manufacturer for repair or replacement.
Option data register failure
Controller requires servicing. Contact Manufacturer for repair or replacement.
Jumper for temperature
The Err 125 fault code will be indicated on the digital displays if the jumper is loose or missing
controller missing
on the control circuit board.
Input Contact Chatter
Controller requires servicing. Contact Manufacturer for repair or replacement.
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