For a correct operation of ordinary and extraordinary maintenance, leave on both the machine
side a space equal to the ironer length.
The surface where the machine is position must bear at least 500 kg/m
: the machine load can be considered static. The
machine must be positioned in a good, aired room (as per the normative in force) and the room temperature must be
b10°C and +35°C. In the room must be granted an air recycle proportional to the air used by the machine.
The ironer must be vented directly from outside in an environment free from pollution. The ventilation must be
guaranteed by permanent opening on the room walls, which are looking on outside. The net free total section must
comply with local rules on matter.
The air noise produced by the ironer causes and continue and weighted A level acoustic pressure which is lower than 70
EXHAUST (only Gas heated ironers) AND HUMID AIR CONDUCTION
The exhaust conduction (for gas heated ironer) must comply with the rule on matter in force. In case of gas heated
ironer, the chimney must be far from easily inflammable or combustible materials (at least 500 mm). Contact with this
material must be avoided using air space or insulators. In case the distance cannot be respected, please use an adequate
protection against heat.
The exhaust conduction can be 15 meter long (diameter 100 mm) and must be insulated or predisposed in a way to
collect the eventual condenses. In case the length needs to be more than 15 meter the installer must contact the
manufacturer. The exhaust conduction, the connection to the chimney flue and the chimney flue must be realized
complying with national and local rules in force. Use of rigid ducts is compulsory; connections between elements must
be tight and all the elements must be resistant to heat, condenses and mechanical solicitation. Chimney flue not
dimensioned or not correctly shaped amplifies burning noises and gives condenses problems; they may alter burning
parameter making easier soot and scales. To avoid burned gas exit and noise, connections must be tight; use material
(filler, rubber solution, silicones) heat resistant.
In case of connection to existing exhaust collectors, the connection must never be at “T” way, but always at “Y” with
45° connection.
Humid air exhaust (marked in the picture with A) and burn gas exhaust (marked in the picture with B) must
always be external to the installation room, one separated by the other and in compliance with the local rules in