SubVIS Orca II - User Manual
Visiting Address:
Kophaug 3, 5570 Aksdal, Norway
Office: +47 52 86 41 00
Org No: 923 005 749 MVA
Mail Address:
PO. Box 2143, 5504 Haugesund, Norway
+47 52 86 41 01
The lens as seen through the front window moves back and then forward when the
video camera module powers up and initializes itself.
If an amp-meter is connected it should measure around 0.35A@48V or 0.7A@24V
Start SmartView and follow its instructions for use and connect to the camera.
Start streaming the video and check its quality and the camera control functions.
Understand that view angles in air are not as in water.
Mechanical Installation
Installation of this product should only be performed by qualified personnel.
Do not open the camera when carrying out the installation.
Mount the camera on a secure and vibration free surface and strap the cable for stress relief to the
supporting structure.
The camera should be electrically isolated from the mounting base in order to minimize any
corrosion current between the relatively noble Titanium housing of the camera and surrounding
metal structures.
A reference mark at the rear top of the camera housing can be used for alignment.
Electrical installation
Installation of this product should only be performed by qualified personnel.
Verify that the connector pin assignments match with the system where the camera is being
installed. Mind the connector pin numbers and wire colors as necessary.
Do not connect/disconnect the subsea connector when the power is ON.
Camera subsea connector
Imenco delivers the camera with a standard connector of type SubConn® DBH13M unless the
customer specifies otherwise. A connector & cable that has not been tested before should be verified
to meet all system specifications before the camera can be used.