SubVIS Orca II - User Manual
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Figure 6, RS485 Half Duplex (left) and Full Duplex (right) modes
The left part of Figure 6 illustrates Half Duplex mode where the data path is highlighted with red
arrows. The bottom transceiver is not used in this mode, whereas the top transceiver alternates
between transmitting and receiving data.
The right half of Figure 6 shows Full Duplex mode with two transceivers in action. As indicated with
red arrows, the topmost takes care of transmitting and the bottom one receives data.
Each transceiver has an external 120 Ohm resistor across
terminals A and B (line termination resistor).
The Tx transceiver (topmost in Figure 6) has additional
resistors from A to VCC-ISO_5V and from B to GND_ISO as can
be seen in the figure to the right: