antenna toward the plane, according to the home information and plane’s position.
WEB Server Port: This activates a web server that will provide aircraft position in KML
format, to be displayed in Google Earth from another computer in Internet. You can modify the
3D model by replacing the file "/ WebServer / untitled.dae" within the console installation
UDP Server Port: Allows you to connect several consoles so it can be shown on the map
position of various aircraft. All consoles should be within the same local network because the
UDP packet is sent to the network broadcast address. All Consoles must be configured using
the same port number.
Cache Maps Path: Indicates the path (drive and folder) where the flight console store flight area
Logs Path: Data received from the plane it’s stored in the folder as a Flight’s log. Each time
you enter in the flight window will create a file with date and time as name where the various
flight data will be recorded (Position, altitude, heading, speed,...)
© Ikarus Team Sevilla 2010
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